Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 1: 1 plot. Warning from campsite hosts that sprinklers might reach our tents.

Day 2: 2 plots.
6:00pm: Return to camp, 1 tent down and broken from heinously strong, cold winds. Tasya cooks dinner in frigid temps. We both retreat early to bed.
9:30: Nat wakes Tasya up with loud swearing. Tasya helps Nat move tent out of fire hose strength water sprinklers onto road. Tasya's tent dry and safe.
9:50: Tasya wakes Nat up swearing. Nat offers to help Tasya move now wet tent. Tasya, defeated, brings sleeping bag to car to wait out sprinklers.
9:50: Nat and Tasya laughing uncontrolably
10:20: sprinklers stop soaking tent.
10:30: Tasya returns to wet tent
Day 3
10:20-6:30 am: Tasya and Nat listen to wind blowing tents over sideways and feel tents walls hitting our bodies throughout the night.
6:30: Nat wakes up and takes down tent with one foot inside so tent won't blow away noticing large rip in the bottom from pulling it out the sprinklers the day before
7:00: Tasya and Nat in coffee shop:)
7:00 - 4:00: Many wrong turns, dead ends and private property signs later we victoriously discover the correct road to the beautiful wilderness area and finish a plot wearing winter gear.
6 pm: Nat and Tasya hear 20 degree forecast for the evening and decide Super 8 Quartzite sucks, but wet sleeping pads suck more. YAY hotel!
***Camper advisory: Do not place tents on the lawn of Estrella Mountain Park****
Day 4:
Plot location: 3.5 km from hotel. We're walking!


  1. I hope Super 8 at least has some ok breakfast. Nothing compares to Milestone's latte and veggie wrap (my lunch on Tue.) though :(

    Stay warm and let us know if you need some gear support!

  2. P.S. Don't forget to download the new plot/subplot data and let us know you've downloaded the data (see the email I sent).


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